If you aren't using modules, get rid of the moduleAware property.

Phillip Blevins wrote:

I am trying to get tiles to work with struts 1.3.8. Specificly I would
like my action mapping to foward to a tile definition.

I have a tiles definition of

   <definition name="mainLayout" path="/tiles/mainlayout.jsp">
      <put name="header" value="/tiles/mainheader.jsp" />
       <put name="menu"   value="/tiles/mainmenu.jsp" />
       <put name="body"   value="/pages/body.jsp" />

I'm using the struts blank appication as a base install

inside of struts config i uncomment the tiles plugging and added a
definitions-debug property it looks like this:

   <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin" >

     <set-property property="definitions-config"
                      value="/WEB-INF/tiles-defs.xml" />
     <set-property property="moduleAware" value="true" />
     <set-property property="definitions-debug" value="2" />

and then i changed the blank struts welcome action to this:

When i start tomcat i get this error:
javax.servlet.ServletException: Path mainLayout does not start with a
"/" character

adding a "/" to the forware

i get a 404 page
type Status report
message /MBBCSermons/mainLayout
description The requested resource (/MBBCSermons/mainLayout) is not available.

Is there some key step I am missing?

All the documentation i've read says this should work, but most of
what i can find is for struts 1.1.


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