On 7/29/07, souravm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> However, I'm still not very sure whether the design approach of Swing/VB is a 
> right fit for a
>  scenario where the underlying technology is http. They are good for a thick 
> client
> scenario where most of the event handlings happen in client machine (except 
> the events
> which has to communicate with server). So though design/development wise the
> component framework may help a lot (after the initial learning curve), 
> efficiency wise how
> the things will perform (and of course lost of it will depend on the vendors 
> implementation
> of JSF specification) is a big question to me.

Here's the thing: The vast majority of web applications are intranet
application that we build in six to twelve weeks to serve a handful of

In a small-group intranet environment, server/bandwidth efficiency is
not the limiting factor. The overriding concern is whether the
application helps the people using it become more efficient. Do our
people get more work done by using the application? Since we may be
talking about five or twenty-five people connecting to a server on the
next floor in the same building, scalability, in an environment like
this, literally doesn't matter. We still need a reasonable response
time, but, often, people will forgive a slightly-longer response time
for a more helpful user interface.

Of course, not all of us are building small-group intranet
applications. If we have thousands of users who hit the application
occasionally, from all over the world, our non-functional requirements
can be quite different. Or, if we have a small group of users, but
those users are working on the space shuttle, again, our requirements
are going to be different. Different requirements imply different

There's an old saw: Do you want it Fast, do you want it Right, or do
you want it Soon? Pick any two.

For an intranet application, we might choose Right and Soon.. (If it's
not right, no one will use it.) For an Internet application, we might
pick Fast and Soon. (If it's not fast, no one will use it.) For a
space shuttle application, Fast and Right would more important than
time to market (and we wouldn't even use web technology!).

For an intranet application, JSF can be an excellent choice -- if you
have a group of developers that like working with Swing/VB type
technology. For an Internet application, Struts can be an excellent
choice -- if you have a group of developers that like working with web
standard technology.

But, make no mistake, in final analysis, it's the developers that will
make the difference. So, either use the technology that your team
likes, or hire developers that like your technology. :)


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