Charl Gerber wrote:
OK, I think I found the problem. So if someone can
come up with a feasible workaround, please! Its
nothing struts related, btw. Javascript.

I have a form onSubmit function which disabled all the
input buttons to prevent users from clicking buttons
twice or clicking another button (the actions take a
second or so, so there is time for users to do that).

Problem is that the disableButtons() javascript really
disabled the cancel, so the cancel command is not
included in the form sent to the action. The form is
still submitted, but without the cancel and therefor
the cancel works exactly the same as submit.

Any other ideas how one can disable all the buttons?

I believe I've read that if you disable the form, rather than the inputs and/or submit buttons within the form, you get the right behaviour for this case. Don't hold me to that though ;-)


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