hi!! that was a smart way.. but i could make it work only in static html..and 
not in a jsp with struts tags. i want to use only struts tags .

it is working if i write it this way..

<html:form action="/AddressAction.do">
<form action="MyAccount.jsp">
   <input type="submit" value="cancel">

but if i write an <html:form> for the second form too.. it is not working.. as 
it was unable to identify mapping for the action /MyAccount (.jsp). i didnt 
understand what to write in my struts-config.

here is wat i wrote for the second form in this case

   <html:form action="MyAccount.jsp"><html:cancel/></html:form>

and in struts-config.xml,

<action path="/MyAccount" forward="/MyAccount.jsp"/>

please help me out.. and please suggest the many other options u mentioned



[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: One of many options, I can think over the top of my 
head is, use just that 
button in a different form. Simple but I guess it would work.

08/22/2007 08:30 AM

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redirect  to jsp when cancel button is pressed(without executing the 
corresponding action)

Hi!! i have a small problem..

    in a particular jsp (which is a form), there is a cancel 

i just want to know how to redirect to another page when the cancel button 
is pressed (instead of executing the corresponding Action of the form).

for instance.. there is a page called AddAddress.jsp which contains a form 
to add a new address. it has two buttons submit and cancel. now i dont 
want the newly entered address to enter the database when i press 'cancel' 
(which happens when i click 'submit'), and instead i want to redirect to a 
different jsp.
how to do this?



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