2007/8/27, Anna Simbirtsev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello
> I am trying to pass a variable in the url, but I can't seem to get the value
> to be passed.
> <html:link page="/myAction.do" paramId="param1" paramName="value">
>         <html:img srcKey="add.button.image" altKey="add.button.image.alt"
> width="80" height="20"border="0"/></html:link>
> value is a bean in struts, that has get/set functions.
> I tried using paramName="${value_}" and pass a string, but it did not work.

If "value" was a simple attribute (such as a string or a number) it
should work, but since you say it is a bean you need to add the
"paramProperty" attribute in the <html:link> tag.


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