 i want to modify a record on the same page, I do that like follows:
when a record is seleced,a js function is invoked, I use ajax to return a
"json" object ,and  a  div(contains several form tags) to store the
data.thediv contains a <s:datetimepicker/> ,but i cannot set its value
I've try two methods:
dojo.widget.byId("validateDate").setDate(new Date());
dojo.widget.byId("validateDate").inputNode.value ="2007-04-01";
but neither works,the datetimepicker itself cannot work either:no values
appers in the input area and  when click the "select a date"
icon,nothing happens.
besides,i've included the tag <s:head theme="ajax"/>
Anyone knows how to handle the problem?Thanks for your suggestion.

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