
Just google it, here are some of the links that may be useful to you





On 8/29/07, sp4rc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello listmembers,
> I am new to all this java webapplication stuff, but I hope you can help
> me to get into this great technologies.
> So far I have got my tomcat server (5.5.23-r6) up and runnig,
> struts-2.0.9 is on my system (gentoo-linux) and I was able to deploy the
> sample war "blank" ([1] tree output). Now I would like to follow the
> struts tutorial [2] and create my own war file from scratch...
> But the problem is, that simply don't know how to create a war file
> using ant or even maven. Can you point me to the right direction?
> What is this MANIFEST.MF about?
> Does ant or maven compile any sourcecode, or is it just packin the files
> and the servlet-container compiles the first time it gets run?
> How does the filestructure of my sources have to look like befor using
> [ant|maven]?
> Regs
> /sp4rc
> [1]
> /var/lib/tomcat-5.5/webapps/struts2-blank-2.0.9
> |-- META-INF
> |   |-- MANIFEST.MF
> |   `-- maven
> |       `-- org.apache.struts
> |           `-- struts2-blank
> |               |-- pom.properties
> |               `-- pom.xml
> |-- WEB-INF
> |   |-- classes
> |   |   |-- LICENSE.txt
> |   |   |-- NOTICE.txt
> |   |   |-- example
> |   |   |   |-- ExampleSupport.class
> |   |   |   |-- HelloWorld.class
> |   |   |   |-- Login-validation.xml
> |   |   |   |-- Login.class
> |   |   |   |-- package.properties
> |   |   |   `-- package_es.properties
> |   |   |-- example.xml
> |   |   `-- struts.xml
> |   |-- lib
> |   |   |-- commons-logging-1.0.4.jar
> |   |   |-- freemarker-2.3.8.jar
> |   |   |-- ognl-2.6.11.jar
> |   |   |-- struts2-core-2.0.9.jar
> |   |   `-- xwork-2.0.4.jar
> |   |-- src
> |   |   `-- java
> |   |       |-- LICENSE.txt
> |   |       |-- NOTICE.txt
> |   |       |-- example
> |   |       |   |-- ExampleSupport.java
> |   |       |   |-- HelloWorld.java
> |   |       |   |-- Login-validation.xml
> |   |       |   |-- Login.java
> |   |       |   |-- build.bat
> |   |       |   |-- package.properties
> |   |       |   `-- package_es.properties
> |   |       |-- example.xml
> |   |       `-- struts.xml
> |   `-- web.xml
> |-- example
> |   |-- HelloWorld.jsp
> |   |-- Login.jsp
> |   |-- Menu.jsp
> |   |-- Missing.jsp
> |   |-- Register.jsp
> |   `-- Welcome.jsp
> `-- index.html
> [2] http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/simple-setup.html
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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