If you need to prevent the request you would need it. Topics have
changed quite a bit between releases, if you are using 2.0.9, then the
topic takes 3 parameters, and it is published before the request,
after the request and when there is an error.



On 8/30/07, Marc Eckart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/8/30, Musachy Barroso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> >
> > Well, it is on search.js line 206 ;)
> >
> > musachy
> >
> Ah, sometimes I'm blind. Firebug hide this info and I didn't take a closer
> look at my pastet content :-)
> On line 206 is this:
>     // prevent refreshSelectedCustomer AJAX requests, if IpNbr is empty
>     dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/refreshSelectedCustomer", function(event,
> widget) {
>       var ipNbr = document.getElementById("selectedIpNbr").value;
>       if (!ipNbr || ipNbr == "") {
>     //      event.cancel= true;
>       }
>     });
> After I commented out the event.cancel all worked fine. A colleague of mine
> put this there. Is it necessary or can I simply skip it?
> Thanx alot :-)

"Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone?" Pink Floyd

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