Hello Mohammad,

I had some problems running your tutorial with Open Office. So, I am
not sure that all images appeared correctly. For example, the
animation of "class" variable when looking on struts.xml never
appeared.  I understood cause i new how it worked. The second scenario
were more understandable than the frist one.
So... my suggestion is that you check out you animation on open
office. I am pretty sure that this animation can be very helpful for
those who don't understand the struts work flow.

Congratulations, it is a very good job. I believe you can improve that! Go on!

> Hi,
>      Is there anybody who has read my tutorial.
>         http://khorshid.ut.ac.ir/~m.s.alavi/Tutorial.zip
>       I want to start to implement some plugin for eclipse that works like
> a debuger but an animated one.
>       If you think that the shapes that was used in this tutorial is
> understandable, please inform me because I want to use these shapes
> in my plugin for example for object, method call, value stack and
> some other shapes.
>       If any body read the tutorial, I will be very happy if he/she gives
> me his/her opinion about this shapes and animations.
> --kind regards
> Mohammad SeyedAlavi
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         Alexandre Seabra.

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