Sergio Stateri Jr wrote:
Hi all,

        I?m trying to receive a filled array of objects. In struts-config:

<form-property name="myAttribute" type="br.mypackage.MyClass[]"/>

        In HTML file:

<input type="text" name="myAttribute[0].myNestedAttribute">

        When I try to submit a form with these configurations, the following 
is thrown:

at java.lang.reflect.Array.get(Native Method)
at org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm.get(

        How can I fill an indexed java object using Struts ?

You need to make sure the myAttribute array is initialized with enough entries before the form data is put into it, or allocate additional entries as needed during population.

You'll need to create a form class (you can extend DyanaActionForm) and either (a) create the empty array at the appropriate length in the reset() method:

  myAttribute = new MyClass[SIZE];

or, if you don't know what SIZE will be before receiving the form data, you can (b) create a setter for myAttribute that automatically 'grows' the array as needed.

Search the archives for examples of the latter technique; there are a few approaches that work well.


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