I have visited so many pages about Struts 2 I can´t remember where I found that. Sorry.

Adam Hardy escribió:
By the way, Pablo, where did you find that out?

Pablo Vázquez Blázquez on 10/09/07 11:52, wrote:
Using JSTL:

<s:submit type="button" cssClass="submit">
   <s:param name="value">
       <fmt:message key="category.edit.cancelButton"/>

Adam Hardy escribió:
Man oh man that is going to fry the algorithms in my poor JSP editor, even if it could cope with the stuff I force-feed it at the moment (which it doesn't).

Isn't there a non-OGNL way?


Zarar Siddiqi on 08/09/07 18:25, wrote:
<s:submit theme="simple" value="%{getText('category.edit.cancelButton')}"/>


On 9/6/07, Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I am using struts tags for the first time in a JSP with S2 and I haven't found what I'm looking for so I guess it's not available, but could I just check for

I want to put a string into a button using an i18n bundle. I tried this:

<s:submit key="category.edit.cancelButton" />

and I tried this:

     <fmt:message key="category.edit.cancelButton"/>

I know I could do this:

<fmt:message var="label" key="category.edit.cancelButton" />
<s:submit key="${label}" />

but it's not nice. The docs allude to the mechanism but I haven't figured it out. I have the constant struts.custom.i18n.resources set in my struts.xml.


PS for the record, I think it's just that I'm not finding the documentation intuitive. For instance I figured out how to prevent the struts form tags from outputting HTML table tags but I had to use a search engine. I tried setting the:


but that was obviously not the solution. My problem was that I wanted to turn the 'themes' feature off. But you don't turn it 'off' - you just turn it down. It's:


Maybe a line in the taglib docs would make it more obvious?

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