Say I have two version design:

<html:form styleId="myForm" action="/">
Some other things go here...
<a class="myStyleclass1" id="myAnalyst"
<a class="myStyleclass1" id="myEmployee"
href="/MyWeb/">one Employee</a>
<html:submit property="submitButtonName" styleClass="MyStyleClass2"
styleId="Save" value="Save"/>

<html:form styleId="myForm"   action="/">
Some other things go here...
<a class="myStyleclass1" id="myAnalyst"
href="/MyWeb/">one People</a>
<a class="myStyleclass1" id="myEmployee"
href="/MyWeb/">on Employee</a>
<html:submit property="submitButtonName" styleClass="MyStyleClass2"
styleId="Save" value="Save"/>

The verion 1 has three actions to render three pages, while version 2
use one action to render three pages. The arguments for version 1 is
that three instances of the action class (one is myAction - which is
relatively big, others are smaller) is betther than three instnaces of a
bigger action classes (myAction). Does this make sense? Does the number
of action intances matters?


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