msg2ajay wrote:
    Yaa i have done mistake. I have placed my ActionForm Name insted of
Confingfile form name. But the problem still there i am not able to get the
form (setLableParam())value to my jsp. I have created an object in my jsp
and tried to print the object, but it is returning null.
and one more thing is when i tried to print in the ActionClass it is
printing perfectly like below.

System.out.println ("ActionForm object"+form.getLableParam ());

when  setAttribute(),getAttribute is working fine.
i am giving my code.

my ActionClass:

 form.setLableParam (lableGenVect);
 System.out.println ("ActionForm object"+form.getLableParam ());// when i
tried to print it is printing....

My FormBean:
Vector lableParam = new Vector();
 public Vector getLableParam (){
        return lableParam;
    public void setLableParam (Vector lables){
        this.lableParam = lables;
        System.out.println ("X32 FORM __________"+lables); // tried to print
in form bean, its printing the vector data

my Jsp:

<logic:iterate name="X32" id="lableParam" property="lableParam"> <tr> <td> <bean:write name="X32" property="lableParam"/> </td> </tr> </logic:iterate> </tr>

i have tired in so many way's but i did not find out the problem.....!!! can
u find out and tel me where i am doing error....

Well, you're iterating over X32.lableParam, but then printing X32.lableParam, which is the Vector you're iterating. Presumably you want to print the individual values of the iteration. Perhaps

  <logic:iterate name="X32" property="lableParam" id="item">
    <bean:write name="item" property="someProperty"/>

where someProperty is the name of a property on whatever type of bean is in the vector.


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