I will give this a try as well. I have been wrestling with getting my
indexed values
back from my jsp's forms. In struts 1.1+ , this was handled well by using
tags. Nested used to produced arrays (  myBean[0].propertyName for example)

of values that struts 1.x was able to pick back up in the action. I'm sure
there must
be a way to do this in S2, right?

On 9/14/07, Laurie Harper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Lally Singh wrote:
> > Hey all, I've got a 2-layer hierarchy of data to put in through a
> > form, and it's getting messy.  I've got a set of groups, each with a
> > set of questions within.  Each are indexed with simple integers.
> >
> > I"ve been using
> >
> > <input type="radio" name="<s:property value='group' />_<s:property
> > value='question' />" value="1" />
> >
> > And wanted to pull the values out of the request, but suddenly I've
> > got this bad boy:
> > ParametersInterceptor - [setParameters]: Unexpected Exception catched:
> > Error setting expression '0_0' with value '[Ljava.lang.String;@a572fc'
> That should go away if you set devMode to false. Just ignore it.
> > How do I get ParametersInterceptor to leave it alone, or put in the
> > mechanics to let OGNL set the property correctly?  My groups are an
> > ArrayList<ResponseGroup>, each with a member responses, which is an
> > ArrayList<Response>.
> Maybe something like this (untested):
>    <s:iterator var='group' value='groupList' status='gs'>
>      <s:iterator var='question' value='#group.questionList' status='qs'>
>        <s:textfield name='%{#groupList[#gs.index]
>            .questionList[#qs.index]}'/>
> (without the linebreak in the QGNL expression).
> L.
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