Hi Rick,

AjaxParts is still a good alternative, especially given your past experience. It's still very much alive, and probably even a bit better than the last time you used it.

As Adam said, DWR is another alternative I think very highly of as well (highly enough to be nearing completion of a book about it).

We've used Dojo at work with good success, although I've always had a little bit of unease with it (and we're actually trying to move away from it little by little), but that shouldn't dissuade you from checking it out (especially if you just need AJAX out of it, I think you could be OK with it). Prototype is always a good option, very minimal and easy to use.

I'd personally look at what you want/have to do... if you still want to stay away from Javascript as much as possible, that's always been an area that AjaxParts excels in (and I think doesn't have too many rivals in that regard frankly).

If you have some leeway though, you can have a very compelling architecture with DWR and Spring mixed in. You find that you really don't need any framework at all, and the code you write is very elegant. This is the direction I'm pushing at work, and I'm getting some traction given some early successes with the concept.

With the restrictions you have though, AjaxParts might be your best bet, especially if keeping the Javascript you have to write to a minimum is something important to you. It'll still I think require the least amount of effort to work with Struts 1.1 your using, require the least amount of change to anything that may already exist. DWR leads down a different path, and most of the other options, I believe, don't really offer anything all that different from one another. There's always GWT too, although if you have to use Struts I'm not sure what integration options there are (nor am I sure you could use the older JDK version). I'm not aware of any other options that would, were I in your shoes, get me all that excited.


Rick Reumann wrote:
Hey all, unfortunately I'm going to be stuck on a new project has to use
Struts1.1 - not that I'm against Struts it's just that I'd rather use
something less archaic like Struts2 -   We have to run on an old server(
Weblogic8.1), won't upgrade to java5, servletspec2.3/jsp1.2), have to use
offshore help, etc, they want to use struts1.1.  I'm prefacing it with that
because I'm looking for suggestions in dealing with several components that
are going to have to rely on using Ajax. I'd like to know some of your
recommendations. I've had great experience in the past with AjaxParts (
http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net/) and will probably use them again - but
being out of the front-end loop for a long time, I could be missing out on
some other ajax libraries that have come out recently.

Just a few caveats...

1) Has to run using some older specs (Java1.4, Servlet2.3/JSP1.2 )
2) I'd rather have easy to use and customize over a 'full featured gigantic
suite of components."

Thanks for any recommendations.


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Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of "Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology"
 (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
and "JavaScript, DOM Scripting and Ajax Projects"
 (2007, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-816-4)
Java Web Parts - http://javawebparts.sourceforge.net
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

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