I've written a pair of interceptors to implement my application's authentication
and authorization requirements.  I'm now trying to add them into my
application's default stack, but it doesn't seem to be working.  Looking around
with config-browser I can see that the interceptors are not being listed.

I'm using most of the "Zero Configuration" techniques: actionPackages and the
Result annotations.

I think the problem is that the auto-detected actions aren't being assigned to
the package with the configured custom interceptor stack.

I've tried several variations on naming my XWork package based on the wording in
the Zero Configuration page under "Action and Package name", but that seems to
apply to the namespace of the autodetected action not their package.

Here's a current version of the struts.xml package definition.
  <package name="cib-default" extends="struts-default">
          <interceptor name="authentication"
          <interceptor name="authorization"
     <interceptor-stack name="cibStack">
       <interceptor-ref name="authentication" />
       <interceptor-ref name="authorization" />
       <interceptor-ref name="defaultStak" />
     <default-interceptor-ref name="cibStack" />

My actions live in:

Here is a simple/sample action
package com.ballroomregistrar.compinabox.web.action;

import org.apache.struts2.config.Result;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action;

@Result(name="success", value="WEB-INF/jsp/createcomp.jsp")
public class CreateComp implements Action {

        public String execute() {
                return "success";


What am I missing?  How do I link the autodetected actions to a package?  Or how
do I set my custome package as the default package for all actions, etc?

Thank you.

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