thks Ted.

But what i came to know is some thing different initially i thought that it
is the action servlet  which is not working but when i saw the log file of
tomcat it is showing me the exception CallsNotFound and the class is

I cross checked the configuration flies but thay are correct.even ljar files
are up to the standard even when i tried to configure the another
application which i downloaded from the web (And it was running ok) i again
found the same exception.

Now oi m really confused wat might be the cause of the Exception......:(

On 10/3/07, Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It looks like the execute method is misspelled as "excute".
> If you are using a modern IDE, it should show the "execute" method as
> overriding the one provided by the base Struts Action class.
> For Struts 1 development, MyEclipse 6 has some excellent tools that
> can help you get started.
> This is less important, since you were consistent, but the usual
> English spelling of "sucess" is "success".
> -- HTH, Ted
> <>
> On 10/2/07, aum strut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > i am new to the struts,i am developing a struts based small application
> for
> > loggin and then to forward the control to the sucess.html if loggin
> succeed
> > else to failure.
> > my index form is being displayed ok.but when i submittedthe form it is
> > showing the blank page.
> > the criteria for the success is that the passord fields should
> match.below i
> > am pasting the code og Action class and struts-config.xml.Please help me
> so
> > that i can get my confusion clear
> >
> > // Struts-config
> >
> > <struts-config>
> >
> > <form-beans>
> >
> > <form-bean name="registerForm" type="aum.struts.actionform.RegisterForm
> "/>
> >
> > </form-beans>
> >
> > <action-mappings>
> >
> > <action path="/register"
> >
> > type="aum.struts.action.RegisterAction"
> >
> > name="registerForm">
> >
> > <forward name="sucess" path="/sucess.html" redirect="true"/>
> >
> > <forward name="failure" path="/failure.html" redirect="true"/>
> >
> > </action>
> >
> > </action-mappings>
> >
> > </struts-config>
> >
> > // Action calss
> > *
> >
> > public* *class* RegisterAction *extends* Action{
> >
> > *public* ActionForward excute(ActionForm form,ActionMapping
> > mapping,HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse
> > response)*throws*Exception{
> >
> > ActionForward forward=*null*;
> >
> > // cast the form to RegisterForm
> >
> >
> >
> > RegisterForm rForm=(RegisterForm)form;
> >
> > String userName= rForm.getUserName();
> >
> > String password1=rForm.getPassword1();
> >
> > String password2=rForm.getPassword2();
> >
> > System.*out*.println("i am in action");
> >
> > // Checking for both password
> >
> >
> >
> > *if*(password1.equals(password2)){
> >
> > System.*out*.println("inside password check");
> >
> > forward=mapping.findForward("sucess");
> >
> > *return* forward;
> >
> > }
> >
> > *else
> >
> > *
> >
> > {
> >
> > forward=mapping.findForward("failure");
> >
> > *return* forward;
> >
> > }
> >
> > }
> >
> > }
> >
> > Any help in this regard will be much appriciated
> >
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > Umesh
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