These are all great comments, but don't be afraid to be specific. :)

It's important to remember that the people working on this code are
all full-time developers, working for different companies, just like
you, and we work on Struts "after-hours". We add features to help with
the applications we are developing, but your own applications might
have different use cases.

I've been working on a Zero-Configuration MailReader using the
SmartURLs plugin here:


and I'd also like to try a Zero-Configuration ShowCase application, to
help identify use cases that we are not covering well.

The nice thing about the plugin model is that we can try new things
without waiting for the next release of the core framework.


On 10/3/07, cilquirm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I use Zero Conf and codebehind a lot, and I think they're both incredibly
> useful.  especially in this newer world of convention over configuration,
> etc...  When I have a package hierarchy all set up, i don't feel the need to
> muck with struts.xml, because I can get directly down to coding.
> There are cases where you have to go back to struts.xml ( like wildcarding,
> and being able to customize and manage interceptor refs ) , and that needs
> some looking into.
> In my opinion, ZeroConf and Codebehind need to be together, and available as
> a plugin, because they work so well together. This is sort of where the
> smart-urls plugin  ( a great piece of work, too ) comes in.  Maybe effort
> should be placed into that to plump that up and 'robusticate it' ( as my
> co-worker likes to say )
> In my perception of the near-future world, some additions to zc/cb or
> smart-urls . some flex-json style ability for the json plugin, a bit of
> guice and warp, and you've got a very easy development cycle.
> -a
> Zarar Siddiqi wrote:
> >
> > I think the Zero Configuration idea is a nice idea but the
> > implementation is far from sufficient and will probably get better
> > over time (hopefully).  The problem mainly is with the limit of
> > annotations.  There are things that can be  represented in struts.xml
> > that have no chance of being represented via action annotations.  For
> > example, package interceptors, global results, multiple execute
> > methods in the same action etc. etc.
> >
> > Even if you do manage to represent what you want in annotations as you
> > have, it quickly turns ugly and you end up wondering why you're even
> > bothering mucking up your nice and clean action bean with stuff like
> > contentType, text/xml and paths to FTLs.  struts.xml is a very
> > powerful little method of making your actions behave any which way you
> > want and I'd even prefer it over annotations unless you're doing
> > something very, very basic.
> >
> > The other issue I think is the lack of the "convention over
> > configuration" philosophy being used.  For example, if you have have
> > an action called myAction, there's no reason why by default it
> > shouldn't look like for something like myAction_success.jsp and
> > myAction_input.jsp instead of having this specified by the user.  This
> > idea can be extended to interceptors, global results etc.  I'm just
> > blurting out what's on the top of my head but there are many more ways
> > to make Zero Config better.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Zarar
> >
> >
> > On 10/2/07, Sami Dalouche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> On, I can
> >> read : "Please help us test these brave new features. Feedback
> >> appreciated".
> >>
> >> So, here is some feedback about Zero configuration :
> >>
> >> - the feature is pretty cool, though not much documented. For instance,
> >> it was not obvious to me what the "params" parameter meant in the
> >> @Result annotation, and I had to dig into the source code to understand
> >> that odd indexes where the keys and even ones where the values...
> >>
> >> So, a freemarker view that would return XML would be described as
> >> @Results( { @Result(name = "success", value =
> >> "/WEB-INF/views/blabla.ftl", type = FreemarkerResult.class, params = {
> >>                 "contentType", "text/xml" }) })
> >>
> >> - I have been looking for a way to specify the default package, but it
> >> looks like I have to manually copy / paste the following line for my
> >> actions to use the "default" package settings :
> >> @ParentPackage("default")
> >>
> >> - And last, I am experiencing some weird problems... Basically, 9 times
> >> out of 10, everything is fine, but sometimes, for no particular reason,
> >> the @ParentPackage("default") line in my actions seem to have no effect
> >> and the zero-conf Actions use the struts provided default stack, not the
> >> one that I defined in my default package.. (either the web application
> >> boots correctly and works for its whole uptime, or it doesn't work at
> >> all. When it doesn't work, the only way to get it working it by
> >> rebooting the web application).
> >>
> >> I have absolutely no idea about the reasons that could cause that...
> >> Have you heard of anything similar before ?
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> Sami Dalouche

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