Hi all,

I have a strange problem using JasperReports, actually I´m using JDeveloper
10g and JasperReport 1.2.8.

The problem start to appears without a reason, at least I don´t see a reason
for it.

I use this for load my jasperReport from my application:



               ServletContext context = session.getServletContext();

               File reportFile = new File(context.getRealPath

               InputStream report = new FileInputStream(reportFile);

               JasperPrint jp = JasperFillManager.fillReport(report, param,
new JREmptyDataSource());


I know that the reportFile its ok, because if I put a different direction on
it, it throws a not found exception. The problem is with the method
fillReport, now it dowsn´t works, the exception that I recivied is this one:

JRException with the message: Error loading object from InputStream, I know
that is not a version problem beacause I use IReports 1.2.8, like I said,
all worked fine but suddenly not.

Thanks for your help

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