Hi there,

In my freemarker template, I'm trying to make a static method call using the following syntax to call the java.lang.Math.min() method:
        ${stack.findValue("@@min(555, 222)")}

Now this works fine.

However, if I start using variables instead of values like 222, 555, e.g.:
        ${stack.findValue("@@min(555, input)")}
where input is defined as:
        <#assign input="222"/>

I get the exception:

freemarker.core.InvalidReferenceException: Expression stack.findValue("@@min(555, input)") is undefined

Anyone have any similar experiences? Words of wisdom? I must be missing something simple.

I have tried using #input but that didn't work either.

I'm using struts 2.0.11, freemarker 2.3.10 and ognl 2.6.11

Thanks in advance and cheers,
Haroon Rafique

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