Ted Husted wrote:
I know the JPA is growing in popularlity among Struts developers. I
was wondering if there are certain Struts 2 features that people where
finding useful in using JPA or Hibernate 3

For us it's Hibernate 3 still. We'll be moving to JPA in the code (with Hibernate as the underlying implementation) soon.

with Struts 2. Are you
using custom interceptors?

Er, why?

Or, more specifically, yah we have some customer interceptors, they don't have anything to do with our persistence layer, though.

We are using Spring's OSIV filter if that's of interest to you.

, type converters?

Nothing related to persistence.


Absolutely, and heavily. Spring for DI, DAO layer, service layer, integration testing, Spring AOP for the fault barrier (advice on the execute method of the Actions) and various Spring "utilities" like the scheduling integration.


I don't find the "formal" model driven stuff in S2 to be of much benefit ("formal" meaning the interceptor combined with a getModel method implementation in the Actions).

But we do a lot of direct-injection into model objects from the view layer simply using OGNL expressions for our field names and ensuring the model-object is a property of the action with getters/setters. Most of the model objects we inject into (from forms in the view) are persisted.

We do find that doing the params/prepare/params interceptor sandwich is a fairly elegant way to hydrate from a form-provided ID and then let other fields inject into that newly hyrdated object on the second params pass.

the scope plugin?

Not quite yet.  But very soon.

I've been seriously playing with WebFlow and will probably use *some* sort of framework-provided scoping very soon (WebFlow or the scope plug-in). I'm soooo tired of managing conversation scopes by hand.


Hopefully that's the sort of stuff you're interested in hearing about.

- Gary

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