
I am having difficulty using struts:
<html:select property="attributes" multiple="true">

I would like to be able to select multiple fields from the drop down
box, retrieve them in my servlet, and use them elsewhere.

When I retrieve the String [] in my servlet and I view its contained
information; what I have is a String [] of length = 1 and of type
Ljava.lang.String, regardless of how many selections I make in the
drop down box.


<nested:select name="customData" property="selectedAttributes"
multiple="true" size="5">
 <nested:options name="moduleProps" property="dropDown"
labelName="moduleProps" labelProperty="dropDown"/> </nested:select>

<form-property name="selectedAttributes" type="java.lang.String" />

CustomData.java (Bean in use)
private String [] selectedAttributes;

public String [] getSelectedAttributes()
{ return this.selectedAttributes;}

public void setSelectedAttributes(String [] selectedAttributes)
{ this.selectedAttributes = selectedAttributes; }

CustomizeAction.java (Servlet)
CustomData cd = (CustomData)form;
String [] attr = cd.getSelectedAttributes();
out.println("Selected attributes size: " + attr.length);
out.println("Selected attributes data: " + attr[0]);

Selected attributes size: 1
Selected attributes data: [Ljava.lang.String;@18170f98

Does anyone have an idea of what I can do to retrieve in the servlet
the values that I selected from the drop down menu on the jsp page?
Any suggestions would be really appreciated. Thank you in advance for
you help.


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