i would like to see one :)

emartin24 wrote:
Ted Husted wrote:
On Nov 20, 2007 1:53 PM,  <name withheld> wrote:
I've been working with Struts 2 for a few months and have some questions
that I was hoping you would be interested in discussing with me.

I see that Struts 2 uses Dojo for it's Ajax capabilities. I prefer jQuery
and have contemplated
making a jQuery plugin for Struts 2, to use instead of Dojo. I'd also
like to utilize JSON as
 the interchange for my Ajax transactions.

I checked out your presentation about the YUI plugin...which is why I'm
sending this
question to you. What all is required to create a plugin? Do you think it
is worth the time and
 effort to create a jQuery plugin? Or, do you think that I'd be better
off just using the Dojo for
the core stuff and then using jQuery on top of that?

I'm just trying to get a feel for what all is involved and if it would be
something useful. I know
you are a very busy person and I appreciate any input you'd be willing to

The Ajax plugin approach is useful when someone wants to keep Ajax at
arms-length and let a magical taglib handle the JavaScript vodoo. But,
a plugin is NOT required to use Ajax with Struts 2!

Struts 2 works just fine with plain Ajax library out-of-the-box. We
updated the Ajax page recently to help make this point more clear.

 * http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/ajax.html

The bottom line is that if you're savvy enough to even have a Ajax
preference, then you probably want to just use JQuery and Struts
without the "training wheels".


Thanks Ted.

Anyone else out there interested in a jQuery plugin? =) If so, I'd love to
hear from you!

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