You're trying to mix expression languages.

%{resultSize > 0} assumes that resultSize is on the
value stack, most likely exposed via a public getter
on your action. This is arguably a better practice

If the list itself is available on the stack then you
can call the size() method on the list in your <s:if
test="..."> OGNL expression and do away with the
request attribute altogether, which is arguably
cleaner anyway.


--- "Jiang, Jane (NIH/NCI) [C]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am upgrading to 2.0.11 from 2.0.9 and got this
> error
> SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet jsp threw
> exception
> org.apache.jasper.JasperException:
> /jsp/content/findAcrResults.jsp(6,0)
> According to TLD or attribute directive in tag file,
> attribute test does
> not accept any expressions
> for this line in my jsp
> <s:if test="${resultSize} > 0">
> I changed it to 
> <s:if test="%{resultSize>0}" >
> Now the error went away.  But the statement never
> evaluated true.  I
> took out the s:if statement, the result showed up
> corrected.  resultSize
> is a request attribute.
> Please advice,
> Jane
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