
For anyone interested...
After several searches (and some sleeping too :-)), I've finally found a possible solution - to use the freemarker "r" (raw) prefix:

<@s.set name="entityTypeList" value=r'#{"CST":"Customer", "SPL":"Supplier" }' /> <@s.select name="entity.entityType" value="%{entity.entityType}" list="entityTypeList" emptyOption="true"/>

Found this post to the mailing list: http://www.nabble.com/Can-anyone-explain-the-leading-%22r%22-in-OGNL-list-syntax--tf4349553.html#a12395847 , and also some info on http://www.jroller.com/cdaniluk/entry/webwork_and_freemarker_part_deux .

Unfortunatelly, the docs. on http://struts.apache.org/2.0.11/docs/freemarker-tags.html does not refer this...


Aristides P. Preto Jr. - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Project Manager - Information Systems  Unit
INOV - Inesc Inovação - http://www.inov.pt - +351-213100444

Aristides P. Preto Jr wrote:


In JSP, I could do the following:

<s:set name="entityTypeList" value="%{#{'CST':'Customer','SPL':'Supplier','OTH':'Other'}}"/> <s:select name="entity.entityType" value="%{entity.entityType}" list="entityType" emptyOption="true" />

How can I  do the same using FreeMarker ?

I get errors if I try this:

<@s.set name="entityTypeList" value="%{#{'CST':'Customer','SPL':'Supplier','OTH':'Other'}}" /> <@s.select name="entity.entityType" value="%{entity.entityType}" list="entityTypeList" emptyOption="true"/>

or this:
<@s.set name="entityTypeList" value="#{'CST':'Customer','SPL':'Supplier','OTH':'Other'}" />

and the list is not populated if I try this:

<#assign entityTypeList = {"CST":"Customer", "SPL":"Supplier" } >

Note: If I change entityTypeList for a OGNL List (not a hashmap), all works file.

I am using struts 2.0.9 and freemarker 2.3.8 on tomcat 5.5.20.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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