Just to emphasize what Jeromy is saying, the key words are "scalable"
and "cluster". In the case of an intranet application with a set user
base that won't be clustered,  *not* using session could be evil,
since the alternatives tend to be more work to implement and maintain.

In physics, we have very different rules that apply for large-scale
and small-scale calculations. We need to keep in mind that the same
principle applies to web development. There are different rules for
large-scale and small-scale deployments.

Though, I do know large-scale deployments that do use session-state.
In fact, they use *a lot* of session state, because, in their case,
it's cheaper than going back to the database for everything. Of
course, in this case, it's important to use a "sticky session"
clustering approach that works.

REST is cool, but I don't know how we'd use pure REST to write, say,
an online banking system. :)

-- HTH, Ted

On Nov 29, 2007 12:22 AM, Jeromy Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gary Affonso wrote:
> > What's wrong with the session?
> >
> There's nothing wrong with it in most -existing- webapps because it's
> the most productive means to record state, but it's always been a
> problem for clustered apps, has always been evil according to REST
> purists and is becoming less popular as web developers move to
> SOAUI/SOFEA architectures.
> David Van Couvering's blog provides a good example:
> http://davidvancouvering.blogspot.com/2007/09/session-state-is-evil.html
> regards,
>  Jeromy Evans

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