carmi_cd 写道:
i have a checkbox which supposed to have the value of UserId property of the
action class
I try to do it this way but its having an exception..

here is how i've done it..
<input name="chkUserId"  type="checkbox"  value="<s:property
value="%{getUserId()}"/> />
and here is the exception..

Unexpected Exception catched: Error setting expression 'chkUserId' with
value '[Ljava.lang.String;@104496b'

please help me..thanks in advance..
The [Ljava.lang.String;@104496 means that the parameter is a String array
Once when I tried to get the parameter from JSP, I found that it returns a String []
And I solve it by getting the first element of this array ( String[0])
I think you should do some to get the element value before set it to the checkbox
You can have a try.

Ray Chen

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