The validator interceptor doesn't do anything. If you are using the s2 tags, then the getter matching the name attribute will be called on the action or model.


Ian Roughley
From Down & Around, Inc.
Consulting * Training / Mentoring * Agile Process * Open Source
web: - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jeremy JGR. Grumbach wrote:

I have a page "add.jsp" with a form and lots of fields. I have added a
validation in my struts configuration to validate the form.

During the form validation, if an error is detected, then an action
error is added to the request and struts redirects to the "input"
forward. In most of cases, it is the "add.jsp" page. And all the fields
that the user has entered are still there.

Does anybody know how the validator interceptor does to keep the values
that the user has entered?

Thanks in advance,


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