As the matter of fact, I found several ways in which you can modify the outcome of the tag.

The basic (and in my opinion, a hack) is to look at the generated HTML code and then use your own CSS to modify the look and feel of your view. I'm currently using the "simple" theme and in all my "textfield" tags I don't see any span associated, but if you do, take a look at the generated HTML code and see whether there is any span associated there (this is how I figured how to modify the errors generated with the <s:fieldErrors/>.

If you want to get fancy, you can certainly write your own template (freemarker). This gives you full support as to how to modify the entire HTML code. I would warn you about this one, since it adds additional code that unless you are familiar with, you may not want to touch, so consider yourself warned :) - This helped me changed some errors to use a "div" instead of "ul, li" combination (in the generated HTML code). This is done using the "template" and "templateDir" attributes within the UI tags. Playing with this can prove very entertaining. I originally started by copying the template (ftl template) from the source distribution and modifying it so that I can see how things can be done (and also to learn some Freemarker).

Note that even if you are not using the *simple* theme, the <s:head/> is meant to give you additional CSS for you. So consider this as you do your UI. This is a practice I don't like since personally, I prefer to have more control over the produced HTML code, however it's up to you.

Good luck!

Thanks Alberto.

Which class contains style for <s:textfield .../>? I need to customize it so
that no <span ../> is around it and the text associated with it is in bold.

e.g., <s:text field key="some key"/>

If the value of the "some key" is Password, I want the "Password" is in

Any suggestion?

Thanks again.

On Dec 19, 2007 10:00 PM, Alberto A. Flores <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I believe the errors are within a "span" with class "errorField" (it may
be something else). Custom CSS can make you look like whatever you want.

Thanks Dave. It seems the simple theme is used so the message is in
I overrode the ..errorMessage style in JSP which solved my problem but
not sure if it's a right way to do that.

Thanks again.

On Dec 19, 2007 8:09 PM, Dave Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Er, the default stylesheet *does* make it show up in read. Are you
<s:head/> tag? IIRC that is what includes the CSS file.



Is there a way to apply style sheet (CSS) to the message validator
generates? For example, how to make the "Color me red" message in red
it is shown up?


<field name="pin">

<field-validator type="requiredstring">

<message>*Color me red*</message>




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