Raghuveer wrote:
How the struts framework does identifies the client language and there by
uses the Message Resources for Internationalization..

Which version of Struts?

request.getHeader("accept-language") is giving the string as below

I need to identify if my request is from polish /English language directly.
is there facility inside the framework  ?

How about getLocale()? Again, the specifics depend on which version of Struts you're using.


Enumeration e=request.getHeaderNames();
      System.out.println(strTemp + "-"+request.getHeader(strTemp) );

That's just going to print out all the request headers, which might tell *you* something when you read the output but isn't going to tell your *application* anything at all ;-)

Try Action.getLocale() (assuming you're either using Struts1 or extending ActionSupport in Struts2).


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