Dave Newton on 04/01/08 00:09, wrote:
--- Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fresh from plugging in my first TypeConverter, I find that on the whole the
TypeConversion mechanism in S2 is very good. After setting up a custom type
converter, I thought I could chip in with a couple of comments:

(1) where to register type converter

Which part was confusing? It says to put it in
ClassName-conversion.properties or the XWork conversion file.

Obviously I did manage to work it out, but when I started, I thought:

- which ClassName? (the Action, or the class to be converted, or the javabean parent it was nested in, etc - when you don't know, the variety is infinite!)
- which package does it go in?
- when you don't fully qualify the class, (e.g. 'point'), what does the name refer to? Is it the property on the action?

(2) S2 swallows exceptions in XworkConverter.  I couldn't figure out
whether the type converter registration had even worked.

Well, putting logging in your convertor should have at least shown if your
conversion methods were being called, no?

Sure, but I was trying to follow the docs by throwing TypeConversionExceptions, so it seemed that I'd messed it up somehow because I never saw any. Then I realised they would never have seen the light of day anyway, so it was at least misleading to suggest throwing them.

When I was dinking around w/ convertors I occasionally would wrap my code
with Exception catches, but I agree that there are exceptions that are
difficult to get at under normal circumstances. This is on my list, but I'm
completely swamped right now.

I can appreciate that! Anyone who finds any time for open source in a commercial environment has my admiration - long may it last.

Ideally those catch blocks in XWorkConverter should be catching only TypeConversionExceptions, and any other exception type should be uncaught, breaking the process.

(2b) it was difficult to tell exactly what I should do in my TypeConverter
to show the message that I really wanted when conversion failed.

I'm not sure what you mean by that.

I haven't quite figured out the way that conversion error messages are chosen, but it would be cool to tie them in with the exception, for instance:

throw new TypeConversionException("someaction.thistype.nonNumeric");


throw new TypeConversionException("someaction.thistype.nullNotAllowed");

As I say though I haven't got so far as to find out how flexible the XWork converter is.


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