Hi Laurie,

Thanks for your reply and suggestion. I can access what I'm assuming is the Exception object, but can't seem to get the message property from it:

           <result name="sessionTimeout" type="httpheader">
               <param name="status">204</param>
<param name="headers.exception">SessionTimeoutException</param>
               <param name="headers.class">${exception}</param>
              <param name="headers.message">${exception.message}</param>
             <param name="headers.stack">${exception.stackTrace}</param>

${exception} reports the fully qualified Exception class name
${exception.message} is null
${exception.stackTrace} reports only the first line of the stack trace.

If I forward to a JSP, it has access to the message, stack trace via
<s:property value="exception" />
<s:property value="exceptionStack" />

In any case, having the class name provides me a workable solution - thanks so much for your help!

-- john

Laurie Harper wrote:
Hello All,

in configuring the httpheader result type in the struts.xml file, is
there a way to access objects on the value stack?

Have you tried using an expression, as in

  <result ...>
    <param ...>${ognl.expression.here}</param>


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