
I have an action that has an object of type "User" as a property. I
have a jsp that has a form with several fields, each one targets a
property of this User object.
How can I use annotations to validate these fields?

public class User {
  private String name;
  private String email;

  // getters and setters...

public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
  private User user = new User();

  public User getUser() {
    return this.user;

With the xml solution I would have:

 <field name="user.name">
     <field-validator type="requiredstring">
          <message key="errors.required.name"/>
 <field name="user.email">
     <field-validator type="email">
          <message key="errors.required.email"/>

How can I use annotations to accomplish the same thing?
For simple properties I just do something like this before the setter
method: @RequiredStringValidator(message = "Please enter your name",
trim = true)


Filipe David Manana,

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