I'm using Struts 2.1.0, and I want to use the dojo widget dialog.
I try this simple code: <[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix="sx" uri="/struts-dojo-tags" %> <html> <head> <sx:head debug="true"/> <script type="text/javascript"> dojo.require("dojo.widget.Dialog"); var dlg; function init() { dlg = dojo.widget.byId("dialogContent"); dojo.debug("dlg="+dlg); alert(dlg+" "+document.getElementById("dialogContent")); } dojo.addOnLoad(init); </script> </head> <body> <a href="javascript:dlg.show()">Show</a> <div dojoType="Dialog" id="dialogContent" bgColor="grey" bgOpacity="0.5" toggle="fade" toggleDuration="250" closeOnBackgroundClick="true"> Hello World! </div> </body> </html> But the variable dlg is always undefined (but with the document.getElementById("dialogContent"), the div is correctly present) How I can correctly use the widget dialog into Struts 2.1.0 ? Best regards Arnaud