Mike J. M. wrote:

So I am currently using Struts, including an action that has a fileUpload
Interceptor that checks for files that are too large and certain allowable
file types. Right now if either of these conditions are met, the system will
throw a generic HTTP 500 error up. What I am wondering is how to customize

in the docs:

i found these messages that i can supposedly customize. however, the doc
does not specify WHERE i am supposed to put these error messages at, and
furthermore, after looking at the source code for FileUploadInterceptor, I
found that these messages are printed to the log file, and it doesn't look
like it prints to the actual HTML.

* struts.messages.error.uploading - a general error that occurs when the
file could not be uploaded

* struts.messages.error.file.too.large - occurs when the uploaded file is
too large

* struts.messages.error.content.type.not.allowed - occurs when the uploaded
file does not match the expected content types specified

The doc says that these error messages originate from
struts-messages.properties. I'm guessing that's in the struts.jar itself
because I don't see it anywhere else, so am I supposed to modify that
directly? I'm a little bit iffy about doing that.

It's not obvious from the documentation, but the message come from the 'global message resources', which you configure via the struts.custom.i18n.resources property in struts.properties. The struts=messages.properties file mentioned is where the standard defaults are stored.

So, create a resource bundle containing your customized error messages, say my-struts-messages.properties, and place it in the classpath, then add a struts.custom.i18n.resources=package.name.my-struts-messaes property to your struts.properties configuration.

So, in a nutshell, how do I catch an Interceptor error and make it redirect
to a nice page instead of the generic HTTP 500 page? Actually, what would be
better is to redirect to an action while passing into it a parameter
"message" that will contain error messages. Then, in the JSP i want to do
<s:property ...> to grab that message.

I'm not sure about this part. I would expect, assuming you implement ValidationAware (e.g. by extending from ActionSupport), that you would get a validation failure rather than a status 500 response. If you're still experiencing that, post the corresponding error logs and stack trace.


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