Hi there,

I'm a newbie in Struts 2 and in Java EE programming... I tried to search
about this but i didn't found any succesfull answer. So I'm trying to ask to
this ML :)

I need to make a form that permits an user to upload a file. I had the
"so-well-known" MultiWrapper problem, and I managed it by adding the
commons-fileupload jar. But... it didn't work!!! 

I got a <s:form action="uploadData" ...> and a <s:file name="upload"
label="File"\>. In my struts.xml file, I've got a package who extends
struts-jsf-default (we're planning to use JSF) and defined the uploadData
action who calls a InsertDataAction class, and in particular a specific
method of that class (let's call it insert() ). Of course, this class has
got the needed private attributes (File file, String filename, String
contentType) and the appropriate getters/setters (afaik, they need to have
the name set[filename][attribute], like setUploadFile in my case and so on).
I got no exception at runtime, but I can't get that file to be uploaded. In
my insert() I try to s.o.p. the attributes, I got everything null. I also
watched my server.log (I'm using JBoss as AS), and nothing useful is written

I wondered if using the struts-jsf-default may corrupt the file upload
interceptor, but I'm really not able to answer myself this question.

Any help will be kindly appreciated :)

Thanks a lot.
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