--- Chriss Nold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, I open eclipse and import the .war file for the blank project, and
> set the Eclipse configuration to add it is a Tomcat project. When I attempt
> to access the app, it fails to find the action mappings. It appears to
> crash at the following line of the index.html:
>    <META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0;URL=example/HelloWorld.action">
> giving the error in the browser:
> The requested resource (There is no Action mapped for action name
> HelloWorld.) is not available.

Have you set up the project's build properties so it compiles to the
appropriate directory? By default, Eclipse will build to ${projectDir}/build;
for a web application you'll want it to build to
${projectDir}/WebContent/WEB-INF/classes, so the classes (and config files
etc.) are on the web app's CLASSPATH.

(Of course, as I was writing that, I imported it, right-clicked on the
project and chose "Run as => Run on Server" and used a Tomcat 5.5 and it
worked fine, so doing it that way must set up the classpath somehow.)

In any case, you're most likely having a CLASSPATH issue.

> Upon importing the showcase .war file included in the struts2 download, I
> immediately receive seven errors of "invalid </p> tags" in the .jsp's. All
> of these are following <ol>, <ul> or <li> tags.

> In an attempt to at least get it to start, 

It starts without removing the tags. If you remove the end tags you should
probably remove the start tags as well, though.

I'll open a JIRA for the bad HTML.

> SEVERE: Error configuring application listener of class
> org.apache.struts2.showcase.chat.ChatSessionListener
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

Same classpath issue; however you're starting the app and/or have your Europa
configured etc. isn't getting your classpath configured correctly. As I said,
when I import either project and run as=>run on server it's working fine
(although I'm using TC 5.5 and JSE 1.5), so I'd check to see how you're
launching it and your project's classpath-related properties.


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