On Feb 17, 2008 8:07 PM, Matthew Seaborn
Has anyone had much experience with SiteMesh and Struts 2?

Do they 'play' together well?

Are there better alternatives when styling/compiling pages?

As Don stated, SiteMesh plays very well with Struts2

The Tiles plugin also plays very well with Struts2

I personally use SiteMesh for page decoration and Tiles for components within a page. The strength of the former is that it can decorate pages without the pages needing to know about it. Perfect for large decorations (head, header, footer, sidebar etc) The strength of the latter for me is in the Tiles result type for HTML/JSP fragments (struts.xml names a Tile and Tiles allows me to override or extend it when necessary). I never reference a JSP/FTL/VT directly from struts.xml any more.

I now use both in most applications. Either is much better than using s:include/jsp:include

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