Right. The configuration file the mysql reference refers to is the Container configuration, for example, server.xml or context.xml provided with Tomcat. Every J2EE container provides that configuration. Struts 1 provides some config to simply it, but Struts 2 doesn't provide convenience config like that.

Setup your DataSource for the Container, then reference it in web.xml. eg. http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/jndi-datasource-examples-howto.html

The only issue for Struts2 users is how you access the DataSource within your actions or services. If you use Spring it's easy via DI. If you Guice it's also easy via DI. If you don't use a DI container you can look-up the DataSource every time you need it, or place the instance in your Application Context, as you'd do with a servlet.

Hope that helps.

RajiR wrote:

In this link :
we can preform connection pooling only after configuring it in our
configuration files.If it is in the case of struts1, struts-config.xml file
has a tag called <data-source/> and there we can configure.But,what about
struts2 how can we configure in its configuration file(struts.xml)?I think
only after configuring in the configuration file(for eg., struts.xml  in the
case of struts2),we can use the connection pool using a java program as it
is explained in the link provided by you.So the problem is with how to
configure the pool in the struts.xml?I think I am clear...!!


Jeromy Evans - Blue Sky Minds wrote:
RajiR wrote:
Can't we implement connection pooling in struts2 alone?If so ,may I know
reason please...!!!


Struts 2 itself doesn't provide a connection pooling implementation and probably shouldn't.

MySql provide a pooled DataSource that you can use immediately. Set it up the same way as your current DataSource

Does that help?

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