--- daveck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The product is a generated and delivered (as a pdf) right after the user
> clicks on the Confirm button.

> I thought that the use of an interceptor for this purpose was ideal, but
> I'm a Struts novice and far from an expert Java programmer.  Can you
> explain why the use of an interceptor is not the right way to go about

I'm definitely not saying it's *wrong*, I'm just saying I would question it.

The idea behind interceptors (IMO only, of course!) is that they are best
used to encapsulate broad functionality across the entire system (or portions
of it).

For example, large portions of a web app need validation flow control, type
conversion of request parameters to action properties, etc.

I don't know how your application is set up, but many webapps have a single
"shopping-cart-like" action that handles checkout, which might involve
confirmation, after which any deliverables would be returned to the user.

I (again, this is just me) don't see any point to using an interceptor for
this: I'd have a shopping cart (or whatever) action. Upon moving through that
action I'd have a confirmation action that re-displays my "order". After that
I'd have the action that actually delivers whatever it is (in your case a
PDF, could be actual order submission, a thank you page, whatever).

It's a very tightly-focused use-case, hence an interceptor is adding an
additional layer of complexity and configuration that is just as easily (or,
more likely, easier) handled with an "interim" action that handles
confirmation and the next step in the process.

I can't overstate enough that I have no idea how your application is
designed--it's possible an interceptor *is* the best way to handle your
needs, but I'm having trouble coming up with a reason why it would be better
than just using another action, which would also probably eliminate the
problem you're currently experiencing.


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