oh..forgot...set its value to 'none'

Adrian Ost schrieb:
not sure if this is really what you're problem is about, but adding the parameter "includeParams" to the struts url-tag solved my problem of having the old value + my new value send on resubmitting.

Rushikesh Thakkar schrieb:
Hi Group,

Can anyone tell me how long is the value of Action Property held on the
ValueStack. I am asking this b'coz I am facing a problem:

My action has 4 members (and getter,setter for them). One of them is a POJO with many properties. So my JSP has different fields for supplying values to
these properties (none of them is mandatory). Finally, I am printing the
values of these properties when I submit the form to Action.

*Actual Problem*:
At the time of re-submitting the form with different set of propeties, the older property-values are still present. They show up in the sysouts. I have also made sure to declare the members of the Action class using new operator
and no-argument constructor, but that too didn't help for this POJO.

Kindly help me out with this.

<!-- Gentle Reminder: Still waiting for somebody to look at my previous
post. -->

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