Hi all, 

I checked out the current branch from the Tiles SVN repository:
http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/tiles/framework/trunk/ and built it.
Version is 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT.  This appears to be incompatible with the
Struts2Tiles plugin?  Has anyone run into this?  The error is:
Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of
class org.apache.struts2.tiles.StrutsTilesListener
java.lang.IllegalStateException: RendererFactory not specified

I tried adding additional Tiles configuration information as specified
at: http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/tiles-plugin.html and
http://tiles.apache.org/tutorial/configuration.html using the
context-param and listener, but with the same error. This exception is
not thrown with Tiles 2.0.5.

I did not see a tag for tiles 2.0.6 in the SVN tree, where can I get the

Any help would be appreciated!


-----Original Message-----
From: Griffith, Michael * [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 4:44 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: How can I combine a result (tiles + xslt)?


I did. I will try both, easy path first. I'll let you know what I find
so that you can close the JIRA incident I opened. I did look at the JIRA
ticket Antonio posted, and it seems likely that is the problem.

Thanks to all that replied, especially all the extra effort that Martin
went to.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Newton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2008 12:45 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: How can I combine a result (tiles + xslt)?

Did you see Antonio's post about how it's probably a bug in Tiles?!

Seems like it would be quite a bit easier to try his idea than all this.

--- Martin Gainty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Good Afternoon Michael
> I just ran thru the scenario you described on a 'healthy' jsp page and
> this debug output:
> 03-07 12:58:52,718 DEBUG
> 34) - Validating /tags/non-ui/actionTag/form with method execute.
> 2000-03-07 12:58:52,734 DEBUG
> (org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ServletDispatcherResult:113) -
Forwarding to
> location /tags/non-ui/iteratorTag/done.jsp
> [GC [DefNew: 3968K->0K(4032K), 0.0108816 secs] 49623K->47040K(68568K),
> 0.0109704 secs]
> [GC [DefNew: 3968K->0K(4032K), 0.0168407 secs] 51008K->48964K(68568K),
> 0.0169301 secs]
> 2000-03-07 12:58:52,906 DEBUG
(org.apache.struts2.components.UIBean:526) -
> Rendering template /template/xhtml/a
> 2000-03-07 12:58:52,921 DEBUG
> (org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine:135)
> Rendering template /template/simple/a.ftl
> [GC [DefNew: 3968K->0K(4032K), 0.0051196 secs] 52932K->49117K(68568K),
> 0.0052029 secs]
> 2000-03-07 12:58:52,937 DEBUG
(org.apache.struts2.components.UIBean:526) -
> Rendering template /template/xhtml/a-close
> 2000-03-07 12:58:52,953 DEBUG
> (org.apache.struts2.components.template.FreemarkerTemplateEngine:135)
> Rendering template /template/simple/a-close.ftl
> 2000-03-07 12:58:52,953 DEBUG
> (org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.ActionContextCleanUp:122) - skipping
> counter=1
> [GC [DefNew: 3966K->0K(4032K), 0.0038605 secs] 53083K->49280K(68568K),
> 0.0039430 secs]
> [GC [DefNew: 3968K->0K(4032K), 0.0232088 secs] 53248K->52251K(68568K),
> 0.0232965 secs]
> [GC [1 CMS-initial-mark: 52251K(64536K)] 52251K(68568K), 0.0012270
> [CMS-concurrent-mark: 0.361/0.361 secs]
> to repeat the scenario-
> deploy struts2-showcase-2.0.11 to TC (its a monster so this will take
> while..)
> vi /tags/non-ui/actionTag/showActionTagDemo.jsp
> add these lines to showActionTagDemo.jsp
> <!-- This is a quick test for Michael to see if flush="false" causes
> of socket -->
> <div style="margin: 5px; margin: 5px; border: solid 1px; ">
> <tiles:insertAttribute name="body" flush="false"/>
> <s:action name="form" executeResult="true" flush="false"
> ignoreContextParams="true"/>
> </div>
> <!-- end quick test for Michael-->
> add these configuration lines to
/WEB-INF/classes/struts-tags-non-ui.xml to
> configure in a 'healthy' action class and a result
>          <action name="form" class="tmjee.testing.ActionTagAction">
>           <result
>          </action>
> insert the following jsp to /tags/non-ui/iteratorTag/date.jsp
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags" %>
> <html>
> <head>
> <title>This is done.jsp</title>
> </head>
> <body>
> <p>This is done.jsp</p>
> </body>
> </html>
> in a scratch folder create the necessary ActionTagDemo folder
> use the following build.xml for building with
> ant compile
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <project name="struts2-core" default="default">
>   <!-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
>   <!--                   directories                     -->
>   <!-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
>   <property name="src.dir" value="src/core/src/main/java"/>
>   <property name="build.dir" value="build"/>
>   <property name="build.classes.dir" value="${build.dir}/classes"/>
>   <property name="dist.dir" value="dist"/>
>   <property name="lib.dir" value="F:\struts\struts-2.0.11\lib"/>
>   <!-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
>   <!--                    paths                          -->
>   <!-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
>   <path id="compile.classpath">
>     <pathelement
> location="/struts/struts-2.0.11/lib/struts2-core-2.0.11.jar"/>
>     <pathelement
>     <pathelement location="${build.classes.dir}"/>
>     <pathelement location="/xwork/xwork-2.0.4/build/classes"/>
>     <pathelement
>     <pathelement location="/APT"/>
>     <pathelement location="/dwr"/>
>     <pathelement
> location=":/SPRING/spring-framework-2.0.6/target/mock-classes"/>
>     <pathelement
>     <pathelement location="/Velocity/classes"/>
>     <pathelement location="/JSF-Portlet/jsf-portlet/WEB-INF/classes"
>     <pathelement location="/testng/testng-5.7/build/jdk15"/>
>     <pathelement location="/Junit/junit3.8.1/junit.jar"/>
>     <!-- pathelement
> /lib/struts-core-2.0.5.jar"/ -->
>     <!-- pathelement
> location="/struts/struts-2.0.11/lib/struts2-tiles-plugin-2.0.11.jar"/
>     <pathelement location="/J2EE142/lib/j2ee.jar"/>
>     <pathelement
>     <pathelement
>     <fileset dir="${lib.dir}">
>       <!-- include name="**/*.jar" / -->
>     </fileset>
>   </path>
>   <!-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
>   <!--                  targets                          -->
>   <!-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -->
>   <target name="default"
>           depends="dist"
>           description="default: build everything"
>   />
>   <target name="clean" description="remove all built files">
>     <delete dir="${build.dir}" />
>     <delete dir="${dist.dir}" />
>   </target>
>   <target name="dist"
>           depends="compile"
>           description="create distributables (jars etc)">
>     <mkdir dir="${dist.dir}" />
>     <jar jarfile="${dist.dir}/struts2-core.jar">
>       <fileset dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
>     </jar>
>   </target>
>   <target name="compile" description="compile java">
>     <mkdir dir="classes" />
>     <javac srcdir="${build.dir}/struts/struts-2.0.11/ActionTagAction"
>            destdir="classes"
>            classpathref="compile.classpath"
>            debug="on"
>            deprecation="on"/>
>   </target>
> </project>
> then edit in the following Action java file
> /tmjee/testing/ActionTagAction.java
> package tmjee.testing;
> import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
> import org.apache.struts2.ServletActionContext;
> import java.lang.*;
> public class ActionTagAction extends ActionSupport
> {
>  public String execute() throws Exception {
>      return "done";
>  }
>  public String doDefault() throws Exception {
>      ServletActionContext.getRequest().setAttribute("stringByAction",
> is a String put in by the action's doDefault()");
>      return "done";
>  }
> }
> ant compile
> copy the compiled classes to Tomcat struts2-showcase-2.0.11
> copy /tmjee/testing*.class
> go to TC Manager
> reload the web application so TC container will re-read the
> for struts2-showcase-2.0.11
> now reference the affected jsp
> onTagDemo.action
> please verify that you see
> This is done.jsp
> at the bottom of page
> Caveat: This is a base test to see if
> <tiles:insertAttribute name="body" flush="false"/>
> <s:action name="form" executeResult="true" flush="false"
> ignoreContextParams="true"/>
> to determine if tiles:insertAttribute and s:action work without
closing the
> socket streams..
> I did'nt test out different freemarker templates or combinations
> If possible could you provide any or details for
> The action class you are implementing
> The full jsp you are using for view
> *Any/all* freemarker templates (*.ftl) you are implementing
> configuration files
> (web.xml,struts.xml,struts-validation.xml,struts-tags-non-ui.xml...)
=== message truncated ===

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