--- "Allen, Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I thought multiple parameters with the same name is how Struts did
> actions with array-typed properties. That's what's done on the File
> Uploads How-To.[1] Is that example potentially broken, then?

No; the order of parameters doesn't matter there, because there's only one
value per entry.

Your example (IIRC) has multiple fields per entry. As an example, consider:

(1) name, age
(2) name, age
(3) name, age

There's no guarantee that each name,age pair will "line up" when submitted.
Without an array index you might get names submitted like name1,name3,name2
and ages age3,age1,age2.

(My *guess* is that they'd be submitted in the order they're on the form, but
it would be a Bad Idea IMO to rely on that.)


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