Try to post a stack trace or something more meaningful, but first of
all, as a general architectural guideline, try first to refactor your
code to avoid circular dependencies.

2008/4/2, Yayo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi,
> I'm developing  a struts - spring based application.
> I've got actions-delegates-managers and daos and I use the open session in
> view filter from hibernate.
> In some cases I've got to return lazy results to the user so I've got to
> launch a new worker thread and taht new one doesn't have an hibernate
> session attached so I've added hibernateInterceptors to my managers.
> The new addition crashes the application because (as I've found on the net)
> there's a circular reference as my DAOs need the sessionfactory and the
> hibernate interceptor too.
> I've found that using lazy initializing of one of the services in the
> ciruclar references should do the job but it's still crashing afterall,
> maybe I don't know what is the one to be lazily initialized...
> any idea??
> --
> "Sit tibi terra levis"

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