Ok, I think I have the solution to my own problem. Since reviewdate is a date field, I was using the s:date tag in my jsp, like this:

<s:date name="moviereview.reviewdate" format="% {getText('struts.date.format')}" id="reviewdateFormatted"/> <s:textfield value="%{reviewdateFormatted}" name="moviereview.reviewdate" size="12" maxlength="10"/

I gather that reviewdate can't be set properly when I use the date tag like this since what's being repopulated most likely won't be a valid date.

To get around this, I just added a test for the presence of fielderrors before using the s:date tag. If none are there, then use the date tag. If it is there, then just display the reviewdate field directly.


On Apr 2, 2008, at Wednesday, April 2, 2008 - 5:02 PM, Kevin Wade wrote:

Hello. I am having a problem getting "repopulateField" to work. In short, I have added date validation to one of my actions. In my validation xml file, I have this:

   <field name="moviereview.reviewdate">
       <field-validator type="conversion" short-circuit="true">
        <param name="repopulateField">true</param>
                <message>Date of Review entered is not a valid date.</message>
       <field-validator type="date">
                <param name="min">01/01/2007</param>
                <param name="max">12/31/2008</param>
                <message>Date of Review is out of range. </message>

My problem is that "repopulateField" is not actually repopulating the moviereview.reviewdate field on a conversion error. The field is blank.

In my action, I have a "moviereview" object that has a getter and setter (i.e. "setMoviereview() and getMoviereview()"). So, "reviewdate" is a Date that belongs to that parent object. I don't know if that's related at all, though.

Any idea why this isn't working?


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