Hi folks, I have two questions, and I apologize for the n00b approach. I'm just teaching myself struts2, coming from a PHP background (but I've done plenty of JEE and Java Swing programming, so the language isn't completely alien :)

Question 1...

I have a Logon form that works fine without an interceptor, but as soon as I add one, my getUsername() and other methods fail (the username is null).




If I uncomment the interceptor line in my struts.xml file, the Logon form validator fails. Line 29 shows 'null' in Logon.java. If i leave it commented out, it works fine.

Question 2...

In Logon.java, I'm using the execute() method to set up my JDBC connection (as pulled from my JBoss container datasource), setting up the Connection, and making the call. Wouldn't it make more sense to do that in an interceptor around every class, and do something like

        ic = new InitialContext();
        dataSource = (DataSource)ic.lookup("java:JQuoDEV");
        c = dataSource.getConnection();
        Logon action = (Logon)invocation.getAction();
        action.connection = c;
        return invocation.invoke() ;

I tried doing this, and saw the connection start up, but the Action class kept having the connection as 'null'. I think I'm either misunderstanding how the interceptor / action sequence works, or doing something blatantly stupid.



Dave Belfer-Shevet
Stonekeep Consulting, Inc

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