I hope you have long legs because you're trying to climb 2 very steep
mountains simultaneously

1st) subscribe to tomcat-users list..the folks that answer your question
eat/live and breathe TC 24/7
then of course you'll want to look at getting your TC <Version> up and
running and fully operational
A rather nice explanation located here

getting Struts Webapp up and running
If this is the first time for both you have a rather steep climb ahead

All kinds of wonderful doc/tutorials and distros available from the official
Struts site located at

suggestions gentlemen?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Hartford Cory-C23423" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <user@struts.apache.org>
Sent: Wednesday, April 09, 2008 5:14 PM
Subject: Local Host Error

Hello. To preface I am very new to using Apache. I am attempting to
experiment locally, however I cannot connect to local host nor the directly. I am looking to try and get the "IT works!" Apache
screen to display, but to no avail thus far. I have verified that my
host config file in windows\system32\drivers\hosts shows the correct ip.
I am using Window 2000 and do have Norton antivirus; however, no client

Thanks for the help

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