Sorry, a sent this message with an wrong subject, now is the correct

Hi all,

I was testing the tag <default-action-ref> to configure the default action
mapping for a package, without success, then I search Struts Jira for
something about this and find the WW2525.

The WW2525 is closed with the argument that this tag is used to configure
the default class to be used when an action mapping don't specify the class.

I disagree with this because we have this tags:

I think that <default-class-ref> is to set de default class of mapping
without class, and not <default-action-ref>

The file xwork-default.xml use <default-class-ref> to set ActionSupport
<default-class-ref class="com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport" />

And really, in my tests the default-action-ref don´t runs correctly.

This ocurred with someone too?


Décio Heinzelmann Luckow

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