Nobody has an answer to this simple question ? 

As I asked, there is with select's tag "list" attribute, when namespace is 
added to the package and to the form tag. It doesn't recognize given array from 
the action class anymore. Do I miss something or this is a serious error in 
Struts 2 ?

Thanks, Milan Milanovic

----- Original Message ----
From: Milan Milanovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:21:37 PM
Subject: Problem with Select tag


I'm using Struts, and I have wierd problem with select UI tag. It 
works perfectly, but
when I added namespace to the package in struts.xml, which is used in form 
where this select tag
is located, I get an error:

"tag 'select', field 'list', id 'roles', name 'user.roles': The requested list 
key 'allRoles' could not be resolved as a 
collection/array/map/enumeration/iterator type. Example: people or 
people.{name} - [unkown location]"

I should note that I've added this namespace to the form tag too, where select 
tag is located. 

How can I solve this problem ? It seems when namespace is added to package, 
select's list attribute doesn't recognize correct value stack anymore.

Thanks in advance, Milan Milanovic

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