Hello All, 


I am having a problem with Struts 2 form submission, because I believe a
related <s:select> field is not being converted correctly.  I have read
the documentation at: http://struts.apache.org/2.x/docs/select.html and
http://struts.apache.org/  It is my
understanding that I should not need to provide any custom converter,
that this conversion should be automatic.  When I submit the form, I
receive the error: Invalid field value for field "status".


Here is the setup:


I have a form with a <s:select> field:

            <s:select key="form.status" name="status" 





The action has the method:


            public List<Status> getStatusList(){

                        return statusService.findAll();



The model object that status is mapped to looks like this:





public class Status implements Identifiable, Serializable {


            private static final long serialVersionUID =

            private Integer id;

            private String description;



            @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)

            @Column(name = "ID", unique = true, nullable= false)

            public Integer getId() {

                        return id;



            public void setId(Integer id){

                        this.id= id;



            @Column(name="DESCRIPTION", nullable= false)

            public String getDescription() {

                        return description;



            @RequiredStringValidator(message="Validation Error",
key="validate.notEmpty", trim=true)

            public void setDescription(String description) {

                        this.description = description;



I tried creating a mapping properties file called





No avail.  I'm sure my problem is obvious, but I can't see it. Any help
or suggestions would be much appreciated...


Thanks in advance!

Michael Griffith


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